Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What We Use: Kopechcr

There's no good reason for a post like this except to brag a little.  So here is the tech that gets my greasy fingerprints on it on a day to day basis.


Nexus 5 (on T-Mobile, running Stock Android 4.4.4, rooted with CWM Recovery)

I love this phone.  LOVE.  IT.  It is the first phone that I have ever used that was a "flagship" device on purchase, and that's a decision that I don't regret.  I unlocked and rooted it within a few days of getting it, but still run the vanilla build of Kit Kat, and can't complain about it one bit.  There have been some kinks here and there, but most are under the radar at best - other than a touch of lag here and there, this is a fantastic piece of equipment (that T-Mobile's JUMP program will let me replace basically whenever I want).

Personal Computer

2012 Macbook Pro (running OSX Mavericks, upped to 16 GB of RAM)

For how much I love Android and Google, I wouldn't trade my MBP for any other computer.  You can do anything on this machine, and for that I adore it.  The chipset (Intel Core i5) in the 2012 MBP lineup does leave a bit to be desired, speed-wise (and easily fixed by an SSD), but no complaints there.


iPad 3 32GB (on AT&T, running stock iOS 7.1.1)

I'm cheap.  So when my work said they were getting me an iPad, I was more than happy to take it.  But the tech has changed so much for Apple's tablet lineup that the iPad 3 lags sorely behind the iPad 4 (with the lighting port), the iPad Air and even the iPad Mini.  But it still works great as a second working computer, and is a great for HD gaming.  And, like I said, free.


Chromecast and Apple TV (3rd Generation)

I cut the cable cord awhile ago and got an Apple TV, which, thankfully, hasn't been updated in Cupertino yet.  It is a solid HD streaming device, and the integration between it and my MBP is more than sufficient for streaming whatever I put into iTunes.

The Chromecast hasn't really been in too much use for me as of yet.  As the app landscape gets better and better, however, I will use it more and more.  Plus points for ease of setup and portability - it has come on many a trip with me for HD streaming wherever I need to go.

So that's how I roll.  Hope you enjoyed this foray into my digital life.

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